Wednesday 7 October 2015

Seek Failure & Search For Rejection [478]

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What the hell is this post about? I have some challenges for you, and me. It’s time to rewire your thinking and do the exact opposite of what you’ve been doing.

Normally, when you feel fear (hesitation, doubt, uncertain) you’ll pull back from a situation, or avoid it all together.

Normally, when you assume that someone will say no, you won’t even ask or go after what you know you want, or what you think is best.

Guess what? The people in this world that flat-out disregard the norm are the people who you see soaring in training and life.

  • Try to fail, as much as you can. Do something today until you’re unsuccessful, it doesn’t work out, or you come up against a roadblock. Again, this isn’t failure, this is a stepping stone towards you gaining more experience, clarity and motivation. You’ll begin to feel more comfortable going for it, and you’ll actually ACHIEVE it more often, and quicker by practicing this. You’re choosing to fail, which is much different than feeling like you “have” to do something because someone is making you. Choose to seek failure.
  • Try to get rejected as much as you can. Today, try to get a “no” from someone. Ask for something that you want, or that you think is a little ridiculous, and see what happens. Go after it, remember…your goal isn’t to get a “yes,” which takes all of the pressure off. Your goal is to actually get turned away or rejected. This isn’t a bad thing, it’s a practice of going after what you want and what may help you. The more you do this, the more comfortable you will be with going for it, asking for it, and GETTING IT. Choose to seek rejection.

Bottom Line: Failure and rejection only have as much weight as you give them. You can perceive them as negative, and give them a stronger hold on you. Or, you can see them as positive, as effort and you can actually be excited about going for it. You won’t know unless you try. Throw some enthusiasm in there, and you’ll see doors fly open and crazy success will start flowing your way.

If you’re a CrossFit athlete and you’re read to improve your mental strength, this is for you – “Build Mental Strength: Learn How To Overcome Anything” 

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