Monday 28 September 2015

How To Use Your Fitness For A Bigger Purpose [475]

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STOP! Before you read any more, take 1 minute to check out this post “Be Careful With Self-Improvement” so that you can get the gist of what I’m talking about today.

When you’re motivated and passionate, it’s easy to become hyper-focused on your fitness goals and your training program. Here are some suggestions for you to give back, help others and use your fitness to make an impact.

6 Ways To Use Your Fitness For A Greater Purpose 

1. Write a blog post, an Instagram post, or a Facebook post. Share your story, talk about what you’ve had to overcome, how your priorities have changed, why and how you stay committed and inspire others with your struggles, your purpose and your goals.

2. Get involved with an established fundraiser. There are many groups that train for events together, run races together, and have created ways for to get involved in giving back.

3. Create your own event or challenge to raise money or bring awareness to something near to your heart.

4. Volunteer with or coach others who could benefit from your education, passion, experience, care or athletic capabilities. You don’t need to be the best athlete to do this…you just gotta love on people and encourage them.

5. Use your physical strength to volunteer with a project that involves some labor (build, move, tear down, carry, etc.). If you’re capable and healthy, then you could be very helpful to projects that take some muscle.

6. Become an accountability partner to a friend or family member who could use your support. Set up regular check-ins and keep him or her on track with your support.


What are you doing with your fitness? Share below how you’re helping others or making an impact.

Have another idea or a cause that you want me to mention in social media? Email



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